Patfinder ostiarius
Patfinder ostiarius

Unnerving Gaze (Ex) A creature that succumbs to an ostiarius's unnerving gaze becomes sickened for 1d4 rounds. When an ostiarius uses shadow walk, it moves at 100 miles per hour. A successful DC 11 Fortitude saving throw halves the damage and negates the sicken effect. Shadow Traveler (Ex) When an ostiarius uses plane shift to travel to the Plane of Shadow, it arrives at its intended destination with complete accuracy. This is a touch attack that deals 1d8+5 points of negative energy damage and sickens the victim for 1d4 rounds. Once per day, the wearer can channel his pain into negative energy and inflict it on an unwilling victim. The pain ward of the ostiarius grants an evil wearer a +4 profane bonus on any saving throws against spells and abilities with the pain descriptor. If the unholy symbol is removed from the wearer, he takes 1d8 points of damage and 1 point of Constitution damage. Once attached, this item can act as an unholy symbol for any evil deity and reshapes itself to match the symbol of an evil deity the wearer worships. The creature’s fangs carry a potent venom that is not only deadly, but can force creatures off the Ethereal. Sometimes called an ether serpent, a hypnalis resembles a snake the size of a python sporting a hood like that of a cobra with gray stripes. P1E Volume 6 is about 25 complete already and will publish. When the item attaches, the user permanently loses 1 hit point and gains a +10 circumstance bonus to resist any attempts to steal the pain ward of the ostiarius and to the DC of other attempts to remove it (such as with Sleight of Hand). Environment any ( Ethereal Plane) Organization solitary, pair, or nest (37) Treasure none. The Pathfinder (1E) version of ABRE, Volume 4 is now completed, and will be published shortly. Rather than being suspended from a cord or chain, it grips directly onto the wearer’s chest with a life of its own. This twisted and charred hunk of metal resembles a blacksmith apprentice’s failed work. If a chain is in another creature’s possession.

patfinder ostiarius

These chains attack as effectively as the kyton itself. In addition, a kyton can increase these chains’ length by up to 15 feet and cause them to sprout razor-edged barbs. This twisted and charred hunk of metal resembles a blacksmith apprentice’s failed work. Price 6,000 gp Slot neck CL 5th Weight 1/2 lb. A kyton can control up to four chains within 20 feet as a standard action, making the chains dance or move as it wishes. Price 6,000 gp Slot neck CL 5th Weight 1/2 lb. Statblocks are derived from open game content. They not only escort other velstracs into the. Pathfinder to Fifth Edition Bestiary Conversion Original data taken from the monster database. An ostiarius can inspire courage as a 5th-level bard using bardic performance, granting a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects. Home > Magic Items > Wondrous Items > M-Q > Pain Ward of the Ostiarius Ostiariuses, as emissaries of the velstracs, tend to the portals between the Shadow Plane and the Material Plane.

Patfinder ostiarius